Hi, and welcome to my homepage.

I am a professional Freelance translator based in Sweden.

I found out early in life that i have the gift of communication and that i easily learn new things. I started reading at an early age and since then books have been my constant companions. The love for reading and writing has been a significant part of my life, whether it's diving into a new novel or crafting a piece of writing, I find joy in exploring and expressing ideas through words.

This passion translates into my work, where I strive to deliver translations that are not only precise but also adapted to the intended end customer. My career is built on a foundation of hard work, studies, and a genuine love for what I do. Each project is a unique challenge that I approach with meticulous attention to detail and a relentless pursuit of excellence.

Through the years I have studied finance, communication, human resources, labor law, and translations, which all are good assets in my everyday work. Most recently i took the course “Become a freelance Translator” at The Translator Academy, and that´s what made me take the leap into starting my own company.

Beyond my professional career, i`m an advocate for lifelong learning and personal growth. I believe in setting high goals and pushing boundaries, not just in my career but in all aspects of life. My ambition drives me to constantly seek new opportunities, embrace challenges, and inspire others along the way. I also enjoy a good laugh and believe that humor brings out the good in people.

So, combining all the above, this is my attempt for wor(l)d domination, in the only way I stand a chance: one word at a time, :)

Thanks for stopping by! Let's connect and see how I can help you with your translation needs!